Monday, July 9, 2007

random thought

i always pretend to be happy, talking a lot and laughing out loud
so that no one knows what's really inside. but at the end of the day,
i always find myself all alone, enountering the crucial truth that i'm
too broken inside and that not even a million laughters can take it away...

Monday, July 2, 2007

The Age of Innocence

Well, isn't that the supposed age that us teenagers should be living in these days? hahaha i guess the times have really changed. What ever happened to late night movie marathons and sleepovers at your friend's house endlessly chatting 'til 5 in the morning about the cute boys you're currently crushing on? Or just hanging out at the mall shopping all day? For some reason, I think the teenagers these days can't live without clubs, loud music and lots and lots of alcohol and some species of the other sex to keep us entertained. Well, that's just what i think. We're all a little too liberated these days. What ever happened to late night prank phone calls, baking cookies and giving each other make-0vers? Hayyyy.

Sometimes, I wish we were all still a little innocent. So that we'd all have some great things to look forward to when we reach the age of glamour when we deserve the right to go out and party 'til dawn. Us teenagers with out loud music and uber cool outfits are a bit too pretentious at times. Yes, i did just say that. But don't tell me that you don't agree. I mean who ever said it looked cool to be wasted at a party when all the big kids are looking at you saying 'what the hell is that kid doing?!' yes, i guess we all have our shining moments and we all learned from them, right? but for now, i wish we could all just enjoy our innocence, live life slowly and don't grab it by the balls and all just have fun, but in moderation. Well obviously, I've learned a little something these past few days. Hopefully you will too ;)

School's been fun and me and my girls have slowly been planning our ball. Yeah, it's decades away pa but hey isn't it good to be prepared? I hope I have a date with someone that means something to me. Not just some random hot guy[yes, he needs to be hot] hahaha! and with graduation and college coming up? we're gonna need new looks! oh the excitment. can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us. and as for the theif that stole my money? oh she better watch her back cause when i find out who she is, some serious hair pulling is gonna go on at school! HAHAHA =p see you all later :)
