Monday, December 25, 2006

The Jingle Bell Rock

Merry Christmas! Hope you all had an amazing Christmas, just like I did. I hope you all got everything you asked for and ... maybe even more. I know I sure did ... well the more part at least. If you know what I'm saying. HAHA. Kiddinnngggg.

New Year's is just around the corner and it's time to party and get drunk. Whatta way to bring in the New Year. I love it and I can't wait.

Oh yes, my weekend was a crazy one. But what do you expect ... it is the season to be naughty ... not nice. HAHA.

Good God, I'm craving for something. And I can't figure out what it is. I'm gonna go and try to find that thing. If that's even possible.

Lotsa Love,


Saturday, December 23, 2006

I Like Where We Are, When We Drive In Your Car

Oh baby, last night was crazy. Enough said.

Want pictures?

Friday, December 22, 2006

Just Like A Star

Damn, I had a pretty good day today.

Since I was sick yesterday, as soon as I got home from school, I went online for a few and slept all afternoon. After I slept, I had dinner with my family and then layed in bed and watched Entourage[dammit Vinnie Chase is one hot piece of ass] and went to bed by 11 and slept 'til 9 this morning. HAHA. You could say I'm pretty well rested. I had the most beautiful sleep of my life. I finally have a voice again. Thank God.

When I woke up this morning, I headed to Casino to have breakfast with the girls. They were there so early cause they attended Simbang Gabi which I wasn't present for since I was ... well yeah sleeping. HAHA. Hey! I'm sick, remember? =p They went swimming and tanning while I just sat there under the shade wishing I brought my bathing suit. Fuck this being sick. HAHA. But yeah I need to get better. We had lunch there .. care of me and Nicole. Had a morning full of laughter, chikka and camwhoring. After lunch, we went to Cielo's house.

While I was in Cielo's house, Inez called me and told me she was in Ayala with Bea. So I made apas nalang since I was itching to go to Ayala since kanina. HAHA. =p Met up with her in East West. After that, I met up with my sister to help her with her last minute Christmas shopping. Hahai. Ran into sila Rico. LOL.

Went home at around 6:30 and got ready. We were having dinner at this new resort in Mactan called Abaca. It was my Tito's birthday. The food was orgasmic. Like SUPER orgasmic. ALL of it was good. Haha and we were all stuffed. The best part was desert. I had Creme Brulee which is my favoritest of all favorite deserts. Mmmmm. Yes, I went home a VERY happy camper. Haha.

I guess tomorrow I'll be bumming around with the girls somewhere. Gotta make plans for tomorrow night cause it's a Friday, baby. Can't waste a single day. Hope you guys are enjoying your Christmas Vacation as much as I am. You guys all better be behaving yourselves [although i know i won't be. haha!] ... Christmas is in three days. Santa's watching, you greedy little things. HAHA



Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I Have The Sniffles

Periodical exams are finally over. We're free! Today was an easy day. English and Christian Life Formation. Hahai. And i was sick in school today. I was sick the whole day actually. My body hurt. Even my hair hurt. I'm taking myself back to yesterday. Ina and I were standing in line in a store waiting to pay. This little kid ... about 10 or something SNEEZED ON ME. Like four times. And I whispered to Ina "In, if this little kid gets me sick on Christmas, I'm gonna kick his ass" oh man! Where the HELL is that little kid? Now i got a runny nose, a sore throat, a cough and a fever. God, he just ruined the holidays for me. HAHA kidding. Everyone at home is getting sick too. Argh.

But yes, to no avail I STILL had enough energy to go to the mall. I went after school with Ina to go shopping around for her manita. Her mom bought me THE most adorable dress for her Christmas gift to me. I love Tita Candy. So Ina and I finally went home. And I thought i was gonna finally be able to rest. But Inez invited to to watch a movie at Ayala with her and Bea. We watched Deck The Halls
. It was pretty damn funny. I felt like shit the whole time but i still maintained composure. Had dinner at Ayala and ran into SJ, Lesty, Niko, Love, Andie, David Cua, Manu, and Steven Lava. Went home at around 9. I'm finally home.

I STILL won't be able to rest. I need to work on a book report. FUCK. I better not be sick tomorrow. I wanna party. Hahai. Yes! Christmas break is finally starting to begin. I love it.

whispers hello, I miss you quite terribly. There's no place else i could be but here in your arms.

Lotsa Love,


Monday, December 18, 2006

The Best Thing That You Never Had

School resumed as usual, today. Exams. Geometry, Technology and Home Economics and Social Studies. Yes, they were hell but thank God i got through them. One more day of hell and we're free. YES!

After school went to Ayala with Ina for yet again, MORE SHOPPING. I told you, it never gets boring. This time, we were with her parents. I was looking around Rustans trying to find a gift for me from my parents. It all goes down to: A Billabong Bikini, Anna Sui Perfume or The Juicy Necklace. Whatchu think? I can't decide. Rawr. Haha.

Merienda came just after the long shopping, at Cafe Georg. I love the food there. Ina and I got to talking about our futures. Funny, huh? We're gonna be fourth year na next year. That's such a big step. We're all finally growing up. *tear* HAHA. We kept talking about where we're gonna go for college and what courses we're gonna take up. I'm still in between. Marketing sounds really fun but so does Business Management. So many choices and so little time. Just like boys. HAHAHAH just kidding =p

Prefferably, I want to get in a college somewhere near Makati but obviously, Ateneo or La Salle is farrr from that area. Hmph. I wanna be near all the partying. =)) Tsk tsk. I can't wait to graduate and move away from this little bubble. But nonetheless, i love this tiny bubble. It never gets old. Funny though how small a city can be. EVERYONE and literally i mean everyone, knows your secrets. All your dirty laundry gets aired in this city. It's like *you think I don't know. but i do.* hahai. Gossip. Yes, people in Cebu live off of each others gossip. We all breathe gossip. Come on ... Don't deny it. I know you're probably nodding your head as you read this right now. HAHA.

School's gonna be over soon. People are coming home and night outs are just gonna get juicier and juicier. Afterall, 'Tis The Season To Get Naughty. Oh how i love Christmas. This is our time to shine, baby. I'll be seeing all your hot asses around Cebu! <3

Lotsa Love,


Sunday, December 17, 2006

Intolerable Cruelty

So amidst all the shopping and chaos i created in Manila I still had time to do some more damage on Daddy's credit card. HAHA I went shopping with my sister the whole afternoon. Shopping does get tiring sometimes, huh? But it never gets old. That's for sure. =p

I don't even know what I want for Christmas. Just a plane ticket back to Manila. A ONE WAY TICKET. HAHA. Oh and I hope Santa gives me a boy for Christmas. Prefferably a nice one that doesn't break hearts. Santa if you can hear me? That's what I want. lmao.

So anyways, when I got home last night I got to thinking. Yes, I actually do this sometimes. I thought about relationships. My past relationships and hopefully my future relationships. I haven't actually had an ACTUAL relationship or anything that I can call love. Afterall, love is only a feeling. Well except for that time that I thought i was in love. I think that was just a mere figment of my imagination. Haha. Something ALWAYS managed to get in the way of my happiness. Tsk tsk. Why does it always happen? Boys never fail to break my heart. Or was it the other way around? Haha I'm kidding. I just want a guy that will call me up at random times during the day to tell me he misses me. Or randomly surprises me in the middle of the day because I miss him. A guy that won't rush into things and most importantly a guy that won't play around with my heart. Are guys like this totally obsolete from the world?

Anyways, instead of pondering on the unknown species of a Male, I think I should be studying for Social Studies or something like that.

So i sit here and leave you with this last thought. Is love ever really enough?

XOXO, Layla

Where The Party At?

So here's to another successful Saturday. It's currently 1:20 AM and I just got home from my cousin dearest's surprise birthday party at Maria Luisa. Happy 18th Birthday, Ilian. I love you.

Spent the afternoon at Ayala with Cielo, Nikki, Kim, David, Paolo Gomez and Paolo Candari. Watched this
really boring called, Fragile or something like that. Everyone was screaming and i was like huh? you guys are scared? I seriously now believe, i have no fear in watching scary movies. I've seen too many. Tsk tsk. I'm boring. HAHA.

Anyways, I get a call from someone telling me it's my cousins surprise party tonight. I'm like FUCK it's his birthday. Nikki and Cielo leave David and I at Ayala so we head off to La Bona for dinner. Yummy. So freakin' random, I swear.

After dinner, we went to Marianne's house and oopsie, the surprise was already over. Tsk! We stayed for a while and went to Formo to watch Niko Carcel's fashion show. Ooh wee Danielle, Christina and I were drooling over the hot models. We stayed for a bit and got some drinks and decided we wanted massages. So we head over to the spa, all excited to get our
rub downs and we're standing there in front of the girl for like 15 minutes trying to decide whether we wanted a foot massage or a full body massage. We finally decide. Full body massage it is! So we told the girl what we wanted and she's all " We have no available therapists" *long pause* "We close in 15 minutes" so all of us just walk out of there and we're like WTF!! We were standing right in front of her for 20 minutes and she only tells us now?! One hell of a laugh trip.

So we're like dammit. Fine! We went back to the party. Chilled with Ilian and went home.

Yes, Christmas break is just around the corner. Time to party, baby. I love it. =) 'Til next time. Hope you all had an amazingly amazing weekend. I'm off to watch
The Long Weekend.

I'm still contemplating whether I should study tomorrow for exams or not. Tsk tsk. I know i should be. But what the hell.

Lotsa Hugs and Kisses,

Miss Treat.

Friday, December 15, 2006

You're A Disgrace To The Human Race

So I was listening to this song and it got me thinking. It kinda reminds me of something. HAHA =p Check out the lyrics and download the song. Shimoli- Damned. This one goes out to you.

Boy you reminded me of putting these things into words
And save them, for a rainy day
Your shameful heart and sinful soul
Oh, I'm amazed by you and all that you are

Your devious ways, you do the work of the dark forces in this world
And you're evil, oh yes you are

Damned, you're one man I just can't stand you're
Damned, you built your castle on the sand, you're
Damned, How could I ever want you for my man?
I've lost you now, so why do I care?

You really knew right from the start
How to work your way into my heart
And then you pulled the trigger, you shot me around the weakest (part)
You're a disgrace to the human race with your pretty face

Your devious ways, you do the work of the dark forces in this world
And you're evil, oh yes you are

Damned, you're one man I just can't stand you're
Damned, you built your castle on the sand, you're
Damned, How could I ever want you for my man?
I've lost you now, so why do I care?

Your devious ways, you do the work of the dark forces in the world
And you're evil, oh yes you are

Damned, you're one man I just can't stand you're
Damned, you built your castle on the sand, you're
Damned, How could I ever want you for my man?
I've lost you now, so why do I care? (Why do I care?)

Damned, you're one man I just can't stand you're
Damned, you built your castle on the sand, you're
Damned, How could I ever want you for my man?
I've lost you now, so why do I care?

Damned - So why do I care?

Here's to teenage romance and not knowing why it hurts like hell. =/

Dazed and Confused

So yeah, I guess I'm gonna start blogging on this thing. Just out of boredom.

Woke up extremely late today. I usually wake up at 6AM and it turns out, my alarm clock was going off until 6:50. SHIT! Gotta get used to this whole ... being back from my vacation, kinda thing. I still have my Manila hangover. Damn. So anyways, I get to school and I realize I still have to pay for the damn periodical test fee. Wait in line for about 20 minutes in the heat. Get to class and take the test for Chemistry. That was hard. Did the teacher honestly expect us to answer THAT exam in an hour? *rolls eyes* PE was easy .. Health was a bitch and Filipino? Piece of cake. HAHAH =p

Anyways, I'm glad It's finally the weekend again. Bum around some more. I miss Manila. That trip was the best. Met up with Inez, Vito, Ixxa and them. Took me around and I have to say, I am definitely going there for college. Loved every bit of it. Too many yummy boys walking around for my own good. Good God. HAHA.
Http:// pictures.

I've been so bummed out lately. I have no idea why. Don't feel like talking to anyone or do anything. I've been sitting and staring a lot lately. Fuck.

Christmas is just around the corner. I can't say that I'm excited. I usually am though. This year ... Hmm ... Not feeling the Christmas spirit at all. But then again, come Christmas time, hotties from out of town are coming back home. So I guess that excites me. HAHA. Here I go again. Damn boys. Why do you guys have to be such assholes, sometimes? Tsk tsk tsk!

Ooh and Inez is coming back home tomorrow. I can't wait to see that girl again. I love her. She made my trip to Manila so worthwhile. Thanks Nez. You have no idea how much i love you <33 haha.

Anyways, I guess that's it. I need to find something else to do.
