Sunday, December 17, 2006

Where The Party At?

So here's to another successful Saturday. It's currently 1:20 AM and I just got home from my cousin dearest's surprise birthday party at Maria Luisa. Happy 18th Birthday, Ilian. I love you.

Spent the afternoon at Ayala with Cielo, Nikki, Kim, David, Paolo Gomez and Paolo Candari. Watched this
really boring called, Fragile or something like that. Everyone was screaming and i was like huh? you guys are scared? I seriously now believe, i have no fear in watching scary movies. I've seen too many. Tsk tsk. I'm boring. HAHA.

Anyways, I get a call from someone telling me it's my cousins surprise party tonight. I'm like FUCK it's his birthday. Nikki and Cielo leave David and I at Ayala so we head off to La Bona for dinner. Yummy. So freakin' random, I swear.

After dinner, we went to Marianne's house and oopsie, the surprise was already over. Tsk! We stayed for a while and went to Formo to watch Niko Carcel's fashion show. Ooh wee Danielle, Christina and I were drooling over the hot models. We stayed for a bit and got some drinks and decided we wanted massages. So we head over to the spa, all excited to get our
rub downs and we're standing there in front of the girl for like 15 minutes trying to decide whether we wanted a foot massage or a full body massage. We finally decide. Full body massage it is! So we told the girl what we wanted and she's all " We have no available therapists" *long pause* "We close in 15 minutes" so all of us just walk out of there and we're like WTF!! We were standing right in front of her for 20 minutes and she only tells us now?! One hell of a laugh trip.

So we're like dammit. Fine! We went back to the party. Chilled with Ilian and went home.

Yes, Christmas break is just around the corner. Time to party, baby. I love it. =) 'Til next time. Hope you all had an amazingly amazing weekend. I'm off to watch
The Long Weekend.

I'm still contemplating whether I should study tomorrow for exams or not. Tsk tsk. I know i should be. But what the hell.

Lotsa Hugs and Kisses,

Miss Treat.

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