Sunday, December 17, 2006

Intolerable Cruelty

So amidst all the shopping and chaos i created in Manila I still had time to do some more damage on Daddy's credit card. HAHA I went shopping with my sister the whole afternoon. Shopping does get tiring sometimes, huh? But it never gets old. That's for sure. =p

I don't even know what I want for Christmas. Just a plane ticket back to Manila. A ONE WAY TICKET. HAHA. Oh and I hope Santa gives me a boy for Christmas. Prefferably a nice one that doesn't break hearts. Santa if you can hear me? That's what I want. lmao.

So anyways, when I got home last night I got to thinking. Yes, I actually do this sometimes. I thought about relationships. My past relationships and hopefully my future relationships. I haven't actually had an ACTUAL relationship or anything that I can call love. Afterall, love is only a feeling. Well except for that time that I thought i was in love. I think that was just a mere figment of my imagination. Haha. Something ALWAYS managed to get in the way of my happiness. Tsk tsk. Why does it always happen? Boys never fail to break my heart. Or was it the other way around? Haha I'm kidding. I just want a guy that will call me up at random times during the day to tell me he misses me. Or randomly surprises me in the middle of the day because I miss him. A guy that won't rush into things and most importantly a guy that won't play around with my heart. Are guys like this totally obsolete from the world?

Anyways, instead of pondering on the unknown species of a Male, I think I should be studying for Social Studies or something like that.

So i sit here and leave you with this last thought. Is love ever really enough?

XOXO, Layla

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