Friday, December 15, 2006

Dazed and Confused

So yeah, I guess I'm gonna start blogging on this thing. Just out of boredom.

Woke up extremely late today. I usually wake up at 6AM and it turns out, my alarm clock was going off until 6:50. SHIT! Gotta get used to this whole ... being back from my vacation, kinda thing. I still have my Manila hangover. Damn. So anyways, I get to school and I realize I still have to pay for the damn periodical test fee. Wait in line for about 20 minutes in the heat. Get to class and take the test for Chemistry. That was hard. Did the teacher honestly expect us to answer THAT exam in an hour? *rolls eyes* PE was easy .. Health was a bitch and Filipino? Piece of cake. HAHAH =p

Anyways, I'm glad It's finally the weekend again. Bum around some more. I miss Manila. That trip was the best. Met up with Inez, Vito, Ixxa and them. Took me around and I have to say, I am definitely going there for college. Loved every bit of it. Too many yummy boys walking around for my own good. Good God. HAHA.
Http:// pictures.

I've been so bummed out lately. I have no idea why. Don't feel like talking to anyone or do anything. I've been sitting and staring a lot lately. Fuck.

Christmas is just around the corner. I can't say that I'm excited. I usually am though. This year ... Hmm ... Not feeling the Christmas spirit at all. But then again, come Christmas time, hotties from out of town are coming back home. So I guess that excites me. HAHA. Here I go again. Damn boys. Why do you guys have to be such assholes, sometimes? Tsk tsk tsk!

Ooh and Inez is coming back home tomorrow. I can't wait to see that girl again. I love her. She made my trip to Manila so worthwhile. Thanks Nez. You have no idea how much i love you <33 haha.

Anyways, I guess that's it. I need to find something else to do.


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