Monday, December 25, 2006

The Jingle Bell Rock

Merry Christmas! Hope you all had an amazing Christmas, just like I did. I hope you all got everything you asked for and ... maybe even more. I know I sure did ... well the more part at least. If you know what I'm saying. HAHA. Kiddinnngggg.

New Year's is just around the corner and it's time to party and get drunk. Whatta way to bring in the New Year. I love it and I can't wait.

Oh yes, my weekend was a crazy one. But what do you expect ... it is the season to be naughty ... not nice. HAHA.

Good God, I'm craving for something. And I can't figure out what it is. I'm gonna go and try to find that thing. If that's even possible.

Lotsa Love,


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