Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I Have The Sniffles

Periodical exams are finally over. We're free! Today was an easy day. English and Christian Life Formation. Hahai. And i was sick in school today. I was sick the whole day actually. My body hurt. Even my hair hurt. I'm taking myself back to yesterday. Ina and I were standing in line in a store waiting to pay. This little kid ... about 10 or something SNEEZED ON ME. Like four times. And I whispered to Ina "In, if this little kid gets me sick on Christmas, I'm gonna kick his ass" oh man! Where the HELL is that little kid? Now i got a runny nose, a sore throat, a cough and a fever. God, he just ruined the holidays for me. HAHA kidding. Everyone at home is getting sick too. Argh.

But yes, to no avail I STILL had enough energy to go to the mall. I went after school with Ina to go shopping around for her manita. Her mom bought me THE most adorable dress for her Christmas gift to me. I love Tita Candy. So Ina and I finally went home. And I thought i was gonna finally be able to rest. But Inez invited to to watch a movie at Ayala with her and Bea. We watched Deck The Halls
. It was pretty damn funny. I felt like shit the whole time but i still maintained composure. Had dinner at Ayala and ran into SJ, Lesty, Niko, Love, Andie, David Cua, Manu, and Steven Lava. Went home at around 9. I'm finally home.

I STILL won't be able to rest. I need to work on a book report. FUCK. I better not be sick tomorrow. I wanna party. Hahai. Yes! Christmas break is finally starting to begin. I love it.

whispers hello, I miss you quite terribly. There's no place else i could be but here in your arms.

Lotsa Love,


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