Monday, December 18, 2006

The Best Thing That You Never Had

School resumed as usual, today. Exams. Geometry, Technology and Home Economics and Social Studies. Yes, they were hell but thank God i got through them. One more day of hell and we're free. YES!

After school went to Ayala with Ina for yet again, MORE SHOPPING. I told you, it never gets boring. This time, we were with her parents. I was looking around Rustans trying to find a gift for me from my parents. It all goes down to: A Billabong Bikini, Anna Sui Perfume or The Juicy Necklace. Whatchu think? I can't decide. Rawr. Haha.

Merienda came just after the long shopping, at Cafe Georg. I love the food there. Ina and I got to talking about our futures. Funny, huh? We're gonna be fourth year na next year. That's such a big step. We're all finally growing up. *tear* HAHA. We kept talking about where we're gonna go for college and what courses we're gonna take up. I'm still in between. Marketing sounds really fun but so does Business Management. So many choices and so little time. Just like boys. HAHAHAH just kidding =p

Prefferably, I want to get in a college somewhere near Makati but obviously, Ateneo or La Salle is farrr from that area. Hmph. I wanna be near all the partying. =)) Tsk tsk. I can't wait to graduate and move away from this little bubble. But nonetheless, i love this tiny bubble. It never gets old. Funny though how small a city can be. EVERYONE and literally i mean everyone, knows your secrets. All your dirty laundry gets aired in this city. It's like *you think I don't know. but i do.* hahai. Gossip. Yes, people in Cebu live off of each others gossip. We all breathe gossip. Come on ... Don't deny it. I know you're probably nodding your head as you read this right now. HAHA.

School's gonna be over soon. People are coming home and night outs are just gonna get juicier and juicier. Afterall, 'Tis The Season To Get Naughty. Oh how i love Christmas. This is our time to shine, baby. I'll be seeing all your hot asses around Cebu! <3

Lotsa Love,


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