Thursday, June 28, 2007

Boo You Whore

Finally, I decided to cut the crap and stop being so damn lazy! Haha. I've actually been productive in school, doing all the work and assignments on time, doing well on quizzes, NOT sleeping. I hope i can keep this up! ;) This week has overall been a good week and i'm semi looking forward to the weekend. Only SEMI though...since i'm grounded and all. hopefully, since i'm just in paradise, i'll be allowed to go to ina's house. i hope i hope i hope. hayyy. if not dammit i wish school was every fucking day! hahahahahah. i'm such a geek.

I've recently taken a liking to reading lately. haha i decided to read inspirational stuff cause that's kinda what i need right now. a little pick me up :) so i started reading Tuesdays With Morrie. it's sucha sweet story. I can't wait to get to the meat of it. Haven't stopped reading it all day. haha well of course except for right now. HAHA lol anyways, it just give us all a better outlook on life and why we definitely shouldn't take it for granted. cause i'm pretty sure we do sometimes.

anyways, i don't have much to say, today! friday tomorrow...woohoo[and i say that with all sarcasm in the world] hahahah. ciao!

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