Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Life and It's Unexpected Glory

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....so grounded again....for another TWO MONTHS. the next time i'll be out and back in society is on August 19, 2007. not so bad eh?? see you guys then ;) well at this point in my life i believe it's better to be an optimist rather than sit here and be bitter about life. after all it WAS my fault.

and i sit here...thinking to myself what the fuck have i gotten myself into AGAIN?! well the thing is, i've been grounded SO much in the past 3 years of highschool that after this sentence that i have to face I DEFINITELY KNOW BETTER not to do this shit again. like the saying goes "old enough to know better, too young to care" i guess the trouble we get ourselves into is just part of the "teenage rebellion" phase that i'm pretty sure most of us face. and it's just a neverending question as to why we do this. do you know why we do this?...thought so. maybe it's just the thrill we seek and the fun of it all when we say to ourselves the next day "shit that was fun!!!" well the being grounded for months part isn't that much fun. but hey...at least you get to find something productive to do. and...the money you get to save up. ahhh. HAHA i'm a loser.

so the point is...i used to be a bitter little bitch when it came to me being grounded but now i'd rather think that it'll all be better and the next time i go out...it's just gonna be so much better! oh life and it's little ups and downs. guess you're gonna be seeing much much more of me here on my little blogger. peace out! don't have too much fun while i'm gone ;)

-the ex not so ex convict.

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