Tuesday, June 26, 2007

With Love

My creative juices aren't exactly flowing at the very moment but what the heck. After a not so long day at school today, Ina and I baked some delish oatmeal cookies after school. I felt pretty accomplished. ;) The English quiz we had today was a piece of cake[i'm so hoping i'm not gonna have to eat my words after i see my score. haha] and other than that, i talked most of the day but got everything i needed to get done, well, done.

on another note, we had quite a funny class this morning. "lades, you know what this word mens? [spells it out on the board] 'flagiarism'." HAHAHAHAH what kind of teacher can't spell plagiarism??????

At lunch the girls and i had a pretty intimate conversation about pregnancy, sex and abortion and the likes. it's a pretty scary topic i don't wanna have to experience 'til i'm married! HAHA seriously, well abortion i never wanna have to experience. dude i'm really blanking out right now. hahaha peace!

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