Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Let The Rain Fall Down

Day two of my groundage session and here I am, blogging again. Woohoo! Haha told you you'd be seeing more of me. So as I was at school today, I found myself not so bummed out about being grounded at all. I'm just gonna stay out of the public eye for quite a bit and the next time I'm back, I'm gonna come back with a big bang! ;) (not literally of course hahahahah) time's gonna fly by quickly and the next thing I know, August's here. And most of all this whole year's gonna breeze by pretty quickly. Next thing we know, it's sem break, then Christmas then Sinulog then My 18th birthday(which of course I'm not having a debut. that stuff's pretty overrated for me haha) THEN graduation. OMG thinking about it makes me feel so ollldd! ugh. Imagine how our parents must feel. HAHAHA

being weird again. hahaiiiiiii. i'm sad and depressed RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT for some strange reason. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! please tell me that something good's gonna happen in these next 2 months i'm grounded. just something, to keep me SANE! lol cause this really sucks. HAHA i know i'm being a complete hippocrite as to what i've just said but what the hell, i'm being bitter again.

on the lighter side of things, school was okay today. and my friends and i just talked about the randomnosity of our random nights. things just happen. and it happens to the best of us. so people, stop judging us and think about yourself. it's probably happened to you or will happen to you. i just hate people that sit there and look at people and judge. but then again, i probably hate myself. cause i tend to do that sometimes. but seriously, random stuff probably did happen to you in the past. so get on with it and shut your mouths. but i guess we're only humans, right? and given that our town is THAT small, secrets never stay secrets. what happens in cebu, stays in cebu. that's how the sayings supposed to go. but i like to say what happens in cebu, people usually find out the next day. hahaha pretty clever. oh joy. i wanna go to the beach and get a tan, i got new sunnies that i wanna use :)


Paolo B. said...

haha i agree, secrets are NEVER kept in a place like cebu..

Layla said...

true that...hahai what can you do? LOL =p

samelise said...

haha cebu cebu,the secrets, the drama, its fabulous.