Thursday, June 21, 2007

Couch Potatos and Lazy Days

No school tomorrow! Some education day and whatnot. Usually I would be EXTREMELY excited for the weekend ahead and since, tomorrow's friday and there's no school, all the more reason to party right? LOL but this weekend, I'm just gonna hang out at home in my room watching DVD's all day and being a couch potato. Oh the glory. hehehe i'm kinda excited to just stay home and veg out all day because I haven't done that in a while. I bought a shitload of DVD's this afternoon which include: the whole first season of Ugly Betty, The Reaping, Step Up, Epic Movie, Season 1 of Golden Girls, Knocked Up, Stomp The Yard and The Number 23. That should last me the whole weekend, right? And I still have yet to finish the 4th and last season of the OC. I bought junkfood for this weekend too, damn I'm getting excited just thinking about it! HAHA then saturday, Cielo and Claire are coming over to work on our Computer project and I guess the rest of the troupe is gonna come and visit, so I guess it won't be that bad!

Had our first quiz in CLF and Physics today. I am totally hoping I aced that Physics quiz cause it was quite simple...I'm hoping I did pretty well! But CLF i'm pretty damn sure I got a low score. She freakin quizzed us on the institutional mass we had at school this morning about what the priest said during his Homily and a bunch of stuff about mass...I wasn't exactly paying attention at mass, oopsie. Cielo and I just went on blabbing about random stuff like always, until the teacher separated us. Like that was gonna stop us! HAHA i still didn't listen then cause I found someone else to talk to! HAHAH oh mannn. I still have a chance to make up for the quiz though, I hope!

We were supposed to have a raid in school today and I'm sure most of you don't get the concept of it, but our school for some gay reason, doesn't allow us to bring cellphones to school. NOT AT ALL. And if you get caught bringing one, you're pretty much in deep trouble. But most of us still bring em to school anyway. Like i said, teenage rebellion. hahahah. So i brought my phone to school today only finding out after lunch that we were due to have a raid. SO I PANICKED. i swear i almost had a panic attack cause I had nooo idea where to hide my phone. Then my classmate gave me a brilliant idea and gave me a box. So i put my phone at the bottom of the box and covered it with all my markers and pens and shit. THANK GOD I HAD A LOT. but to my dismay, we didn't have a raid. WTF?! whoever spread that we were, I'm gonna kill you! hahaha oh well better safe than sorry :p anyways, that was my exciting day. sister and i are starting to get okay again, after the whole grounded situation. everytime i get grounded we always seem to get closer. i guess it's a good thing. anyways, ciao! enjoy your thursday night! i know i will be :)

yours truly,

the couch potato


Paolo B. said...

ok so i couldn't stop laughing when i read about the raid thing - in high school we'd wrap our phones with sheets and sheets of paper and tape them under the broom cabinet.. and then we'd also discover that there wasn't going to be a raid at all. so much for getting all nervous! hahaha..

Layla said...

HAHAHA i know right. all the excitement for nothing! i swear i was having a panick attack i was like where the hell am i gonna put my fone?!?!!? then i waited and waited and waited until the bell rang...and the raid didn't happen at all. WTF!?!? hhahaha