Monday, June 25, 2007

The Boy Next Door

Paradise Village. Means what it's called. HAHA =p it truly is Paradise. can you keep a secret?? he walked me home today! :) it was nice. not awkward at all...perfect. i'm smitten. that's all i can say.

besides that, i overall had a really good day today. school flew by quickly, good conversations with my girls and the perfect way to end my day. i've really got to say, things are finally starting to get better. and hopefully starting off the week on a good foot means this weeks gonna be good too, right? well i sure hope so.

finally spoke to sister and we both made our peace. i just realized we both have our different points and we just gotta meet somewhere in between and somehow just compromize. knowing how both of us really feels makes things a whole lot easier. it's a fair game now. but i just feel like i need time to myself to think about things.

this is gonna be a short one tonight, not like anyone reads this shit or anything. but i like having this around to remind me of how things used to be. and it's sort of like a stress reliever. i hope he walks me home again. he seems like one of the very few decent guys in cebu, if not the only one left. and i like that about him. my overprotective cousin even approves. i guess that's a good sign ;) goodnight, everyone.



Paolo B. said...

oh but i read this "shit".. and so does sam so that's two of us! hahaha.. i saw you at brown cup yesterday, btw. i passed by your school on my way home haha

Layla said...

hahah oh really? i must've looked really stupid just sitting there! hahahah

good, at least people are reading this and it's not COMPLETELY useless ;) you guys should update more toooo :D