Friday, June 29, 2007

Maybe If My Heart Stops Beating...It Won't Hurt This Much

chocho carcel: love hurts idol

layla_kiener: it truly does. lol

chocho carcel: sus..soon ma anad wont hurt anymore. look at us!!! anad na kaayu mura nag wala.

layla_kiener: hahaha ataya. girls will never get used to the feeling of heartbreak

chocho carcel: lagi


chocho carcel: sus idol..daghan nakog kaila nga anad na sa feeling. yul see. if it doesent kill will make u stronger.

isn't that so true though?? love hurts. and so does life. i seriously think God really hates me or is getting some sick amusement is seeing me in pain. what did i do to deserve all of this?? it's like every fucking problem after the other. it's just piling up and one tower's just gonna break and fall down.

yesterday, some bitch stole P900.00 from my wallet at school. ahhhh this really sucks. but whatever, since i don't wanna throw myself a pity party...let's just hope that girl just really needed the cash. cause, hey i'm trying to be optimistic here. but whatever lies ahead for me, i'm totally prepared for it. i made a vow to myself that i'm gonna slow down for now because over the summer, i had fun...maybe TOO much. if i go out, i'm probably just gonna go to the mall or someone's house and then dinner. no more vudu or paseo for a while. after i'm grounded that is. i'm sooo sick of people making something an issue when it's not even an issue to begin with. just like in my previous post, people just stay out of my life. you don't know me.

hahaiiii. i'm pissed at the moment. anyways i'm going to fit my dress today that i'm gonna wear to a wedding next week. i'm excited to see it. at least i'll have something to look forward to later. and i'll probably see 2 of my favorite girls today if they come over and make their project here :) so we'll see how this day goes. i'll update you all later.

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samelise said...

" I guess when your heart gets broken you sort of start to see cracks in everything. I'm convinced that tragedy wants to harden us and our mission is never to let it."

Read this somewhere a while ago and your post reminded me of it. This is my way of saying Cheer up. Hahaha Tight hug to you!:)

jaiskizzy said...

no pain, no gain.