Thursday, June 7, 2007

Lusting for Words

I finally started school yesterday and I'm glad to say, I'm finally a senior! It's hard for me to believe that I've already made it this far in life when it seemed like just yesterday, I was venturing off to kindergarten thinking what it would be like to be one of the big kids. Well, I'm finally here and I'm happy to say, being one of the big kids is pretty friggin awesome. It has it's limits.

The first few days of school are always a drag. Listening to the teachers talk about their expectations for us and our expectations for them. It's all the same EVERY year so what would make it ANY different? ...ugh whatever. But I feel pretty lame that i was so hyped up for school cause now, I miss summer like hell. It's been one hell of a summer that I totally didn't expect it to be. After school yesterday I was so depressed, reminiscing about the summer that was. =\ oh well, I'm so glad it happened and that I got to experience it! HAHA before I know it, I'm gonna be graduating and heading off into the unknown. I better buckle up ;)

Enough about school, my question is...why is it that the more you hate, the more you love? That line really messes with my head. Because i feel it's coming true for me! I'm not gonna explain any further but I'm just gonna leave it at that. I'm so full of mixed emotions right now I don't even know what to feel. I hate drama. But in Cebu, you can't seem to avoid it. It follows you everywhere you go. Just like in Laguna Beach, every boy here seems to have a tag. It's like "i dated him in the 5th grade so no, you can't date him" what the hell?

Anyways, my eyes are dropping and i feel like I'm in the twilight zone. I guess it's time to go to bed. School's so tiring and I'm so glad It's Friday tomorrow! Party time. And THANK GOD It's a long weekend. Just wanted to start blogging again. I kinda missed it ;)

1 comment:

samelise said...

everyone in cebu is recycled. haha